When we wrote down the issues we
wanted to do for this group project, I put 'birth control' at the very top of
my list. This is an issue that is extremely important to me. In fact, this is
the main issue that I am concerned about when choosing who I will be voting for
this coming November. I have been passionate about the availability of birth
control for a while and I will continue to be until the issue is no longer
debated and all women have easy access.
That being said, I really enjoyed
this project because it gave me an outlet to express my frustration about
recent policies and inform my classmates how extremely important this issue
was. Using a script and recording my thoughts aloud instead of simply writing a
paper made me even more passionate about what I was saying. Hearing someone's
voice instead of just reading their words makes whatever is being said more
personal, and therefore you can reach the audience on a closer level. At first
I thought recording would just be a nuisance, but I was definitely surprised at
how much I enjoyed it and how much more powerful it made the overall result.
I had thought that I was
well-informed about birth control when I began research, but I actually had
quite a lot to learn. Researching this topic opened my eyes to new information,
especially the history of birth control regulation. Although I knew that birth
control was not widely available in the past, I was not aware that the
government has been trying to restrict its regulation since its very invention.
I also learned more about the recent laws that have been proposed against birth
control in states like Arizona. I had no idea how shocking and terrible some of
these laws are. The information I learned when researching this project only
fueled my interest. It made me even more passionate about ending the ridiculous
regulations on birth control and making it available to all women. I am really
glad I got the opportunity to create a video around this topic because of both
the additional information I have learned and the realization of how effective
recorded voice can be.
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